#11 off-screen (Ethno?Kino)

autumn season 2022

Have you ever wondered what’s so ETHNO about our KINO? Well, we are wondering still and it is time to move this question to the centre stage. Our 11th film season OFF-SCREEN is about the ethics and politics of research and representation and it is also about our darling ETHNOGRAPHY, a genre and methodology that is linked to European imperialism and colonialism.

OFF-SCREEN: Films show us many things but do they also let us see behind it? What about the relations between filmmakers and the people they film? In this season we will look off the screen and explore the ethical and methodological commitments filmmakers are ready to take.

ETHNOKINO: Is the term ETHNOGRAPHIC FILM outdated? What does it mean anyway and why don’t we just call it documentary? Would it be a loss, if we leave this term, a disconnection from our roots in social anthropology? The seasons collective is critically engaging with the term “ethno” in EthnoKino and we want to lead this discussion with all of you.
