Awake A Dream From Standing Rock



Josh Fox, Myron Dewey, James Spione | 2017 | United States | 88 min | English

The Water Protectors at Standing Rock captured world attention through their peaceful resistance. While many may know the details, AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock captures the story of Native-led defiance that forever changed the fight for clean water, our environment and the future of our planet. The film is a collab­oration between Indigenous filmmakers, Director Myron Dewey, Executive Producer Doug Good Feather and environmental Oscar Nominated filmmakers Josh Fox and James Spione. It is a labor of love to support the peaceful movement of the water protectors.

Discussion with Jason Asenap @asenap (Albuquerque New Mexico) and Doug Good Feather @dgoodfeather (Standing Rock Lakota and Dakota Nation) on the topic of Indigenous representations in (mainstream) film and also about the film we are screening afterwards: Awake, A Dream From Standing Rock.

Jason is certainly an expert when it comes to indigenous representaions in popular culture, and Doug is the executive producer of awake. Both are writers, filmmakers, musicans and much more. They will join on videocall.

instagram: @cineliminal