Avocado + Woodgirls



On thursday 27.04.2023, 19.30, @cine_liminal we will be screening two films from iranian filmmakers focusing on gender and respective roles and rights. With Q&A!


Ali Narimani | IR | 2022 | 14min

The protagonist steps into spaces denied to him and explores secretly with lust, joy and sorrow what he wishes for. A story about the unfulfilled desire for a more queer world.

Woodgirls - A Duet for a Dream

Azadeh Bizargiti | CZ / IR | 2021 | 75min

The carpenters Leila and Sedigheh have chosen a profession that is considered extremely masculine in the traditional societies of the Iran. Licences and formal training in such trades are inaccessible for women. With self-taught skills, guts, and determination, they pursue their dream and are not only fighting for themselves, but also want to enable other women to practise a craft.


Doors: 19:00 | Film: 19:30 | Film + Discussion in English | Neubrückstrasse 8 | Kollekte, Richtpreis | Accessible by wheelchair

instagram: @cineliminal
website: www.cineliminal.ch